Hungry Jack's, Kessels Road, Coopers Plains

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Hungry Jack's is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Food  


+61 7 3277 8473

Kessels Road, Coopers Plains, Queensland 4108

Establishment   Food  

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Opening Hours

Sunday 06:00 — 22:00
Monday 06:00 — 22:00
Tuesday 06:00 — 22:00
Wednesday 06:00 — 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 — 22:00
Friday 06:00 — 23:00
Saturday 06:00 — 23:00


  • Darks Pace
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Changed from 5* to 1* cause of recent experiences.
    My partner and I had been collecting your receipts for about a month to get a few free bbq cheeseburgers at once like we usually would do. When we went to redeem the 10 receipts we had each spent 30mins filling out we found out that the offer had changed. We were incorrectly told the receipts now entitled us to get a free whopper, small chips and small coke from each voucher. We stood there waiting while the guy put in each code until the manager walked past and pointed out that it was a free small chips and small coke with each whopper we purchased. She nonchalantly told us the total was already about $64 and we were aghast!!!

    Since we had wasted 30mins each filling out feedback forms where we gave hungry jacks the best ratings possible (which I now wish I could change to the worst) I asked if we could at least get a freesmall drink or chips, especially since the cashier had told us each receipt entitled us to a free whopper, small chips and small drink but the manager wouldn't even give us a friggin small chips or drink. It was at this point I realised a huge line had built up behind us and was nice enough to still purchase 2 BBQ cheeseburgers. Afterwards my partner was like "you are better than me suger, I'd have left and not gotten anything cause of that bs".

    You've lost 2 regular customers because of this, we'll be going to Maccas now. And I thought I'd never have to say that.
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Hungry Jack's is based in Coopers Plains. Full address is Kessels Road. Australia postal code is 4108. We invite you to visit the official website of Hungry Jack's . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 7 3277 8473 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Hungry Jack's.
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    Open now: Until 17:00

Weather in Coopers Plains, Queensland

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